Saturday, January 25, 2014


I guess this is THE THING now but it was news to me.
In our stake they've been having NEW BEGINNINGS for the whole stake (which is AWESOME).  It was a couple of weeks ago.  The 1st counselor in the Stake YW Presidency (who is also AWESOME) gave the main talk and it was AMAZING!!  Changed my life - seriously.
She spoke about the new year and the tradition to make resolutions and how for most people they don't work. I'm one of those people and had been thinking about goals and resolutions vs having a list of things you want to accomplish.
She then shared this idea of picking a word to focus on for the year.  Her word last year was DILIGENCE and she applied that to different things in her life.  She even made it her computer password.  To remind her daily of her WORD.  This year her word is PRACTICE.
This really hit me hard - and I thought about it a lot and decided that was the thing for me.  ONE WORD to focus on.  I loved it!  Later that evening as we were visiting with the girls and other leaders my WORD came to me - IMPROVE.  One of the other leaders thought that was too much, too big. But it depends on how you look at it.  IMPROVE means:

  • to make (something) better
  • to become better
  • to enhance in value or quality
  • to advance or make progress in what is desirable
  • to make useful additions
IMPROVE is not impossible.  Its just making better and that IS something I can do.

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