Wednesday, February 06, 2013

I LOVE kids

I have to clarify this statement a bit - I LOVE cute, sweet kids :)
Some kids are difficult to LOVE and can make a Sub's job horrible - that was the case on  Monday when I subbed at the middle school.  I rarely sub at the middle school and there are good reasons for that.
This was a job for Taylor's English teacher.  Normally I wouldn't take a job for one of his teachers thinking he wouldn't like that but awhile ago he specifically told me I should sub for her.  So when a job came up for that teacher EARLY Monday morning I accepted it.
Taylor has English 1st period so it was fun to start the day out with him.  I feel pretty lucky that he is okay with me subbing and for him to be okay that all of his classmates know that I am his mom.  The day actually went really well (especially considering there weren't any real sub plans for the day) except for 3rd period.  What an obnoxious and rude bunch of 8th graders - no respect. That one class alone would make me not want to sub for that teacher again.  And the principal came and asked me during 7th period if I could come back the next day for the same teacher and LUCKILY I had an appt the next day and couldn't, so sad :(
But that is not really what this post is about - it is really about the cute kids that I do encounter when I sub.  Mostly in the younger grades - they love you unconditionally it seems.  I spend one day with a class and they all hug me when I leave :)
Yesterday I was subbing in 1st grade - I wasn't supposed to work because I was going to go to the doctor with my mom, but the secretary at the elementary was desperate and they couldn't get anyone else and school had already started.  So I called my dad and said I couldn't join them at the doctor's and hurried and got dressed and got to the school.  It was for a 1st grade teacher who was sick with the stomach flu - YUCK - and i've subbed in her class several times and she has a really cute little class.
Just before lunch, and this is what melted my heart, this cute little quiet boy comes up to me and says
"You are a good teacher for me" -- Made my day :)

And then towards the end of the day, this sweet girl brings me this letter:

That is what I LOVE about  kids!

PS  I did write her back.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Aw... kids can be so sweet--I loved that little letter!