Wednesday, November 04, 2009

"I'm Not Fat"

Overheard this morning while Jared and Kamryn were in their room getting dressed.
I heard her yell "I'm not fat" and then start crying. She came to me and said, "Jared said I'm fat."
She was very upset by this. I told her she's not fat and I told Jared its not nice to say that to somebody.
There is so much reality in all of that, sad :(


The Martin Family said...

Poor Kamryn. She is beautiful!

What a good mom you are to clean your kid's room for their birthday! I wish my mom did that growing up!

Mich said...

When Jesse was 4 he got mad at Sam, but with his limited vocabulary the worst he could think to call his brother was a shovel. Sam came in to tattle, and I said "Sam, are you a shovel?" "No" "Does Jesse calling you a shovel make you a shovel?" "No" "Then go play."
Tell Kamryn that she can be called fat, a shovel, or a blue and orange car, but that doesn't make her a car, a shovel, or fat. She IS beautiful!