Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

What's the latest you've ever had to stay up on Christmas Eve?
I can't believe it but this year, this very night is the latest for me.
It's 3:45 am and I'm almost ready to get to bed. Just working on one last gift. I had no idea I would be up this late this year.
We had a great Christmas Eve as a family - I'll post more on that later.
Luckily Jared and Kamryn were up until 11:00 and hopefully they will sleep in and I've given the other kids strict orders to sleep in or at least not wake up the little ones.


Lynn Green said...

Happy New Year

Janice said...

Well, I went to bed at 11:00 but the kids woke up at midnight wanting Christmas. I sent them back to bed but at 4:30 everyone was up again. So, we just celebrated at 4:30.