Thursday, April 24, 2008

Integri "tea"

Just wanted to share what we did for Young Womens last night.
At the beginning of this year we adopted 8 grandma's in our ward. Each grandma has 2 grand-daughters (young women). The girls have heart attacked the grandma's and met with them to interview them about their lives.
Last night we had a tea party. We had discussion questions (slips of paper rolled up in a vase as the centerpiece) at each table about integrity. We had appetizers, muffins and white party punch for our "tea". To conclude we had a group discussion about our definition of integrity and some of the grandma's shared experiences where they showed integrity. To close, we played the Integrity song out of the I walk by Faith song book.
It was a successful activity and was very nice but didn't take a lot of work. Luckily we borrowed the decorations and some of the ideas from the RS Education day we just had last Saturday. The colors were yellow and purple and it looked very springy. My daughter even said it was the best activity we'd had in a long time. My only r
egret was I forgot to take pictures.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a nice activity. I like how you've included the adoptive grandmas. Good job.
Today I'm having 9 ten year old girls over, and we're making our own individual lasagnas in bread pans. In my kitchen. I hope I survive the ordeal, and I hope the girls learn something and have a good time.

Melinda said...

That sounds great! Good job!