Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Check it out

My sister is just getting into the blogger world. I helped her a little today with her blog and getting it to look like she wants it. So, do me a favor, check out her blog and encourage her to share her thoughts. She has five kids and they say and do the funniest things. For example, a conversation I had with her 4 year old today:

Jake: "I smell Justin's video games." ( he is obsessed with our game systems and always wants to come to our house to play)

Me: How do you smell video games?

Jake: With your nose (said to me like I'm idiot, of course you smell with your nose).

1 comment:

Susan Byers said...

Thanks again for helping me with my blog. I'm having fun with it. What a fun way to keep a journal. I'm trying to get my friends to make one so I don't look so pitiful in the "BLOGS I read" section.