Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Scripture Reading

As a family we try to read the scriptures together every night before we have prayers and go to bed. We certainly don't make it every night but we do try and I'd say we get it done about half the time. Some weeks are certainly better than others.
A while ago Paul asked that each person take a turn after we've read to share what they got out of that chapter. Again, some nights are better than others as far as this sharing goes. Sometimes it is late and we just want to get done but there are nights where the kids are pretty insightful and we have some good discussions.
Jared and Kamryn listen to us read most nights. Sometimes they take a turn "reading" a verse by repeating after someone telling them what their verse says. The last couple of nights Jared has come to me and asked what verse Dad read and then what did it mean and then he takes his turn sharing what he thought. Its really cute.
Last night was the best though. Jared came to me while we were still reading and wanted to know what verse Daddy read and I looked through and found a good verse that Jared could share about and i told him what he could say. Well after he shared, Kamryn wanted to share too. And totally on her own she shared a very specific story from that chapter and talked about it. It was amazing that she got that on her own. And she didn't even seem like she was listening.
It was a great reinforcer that we are doing something good for our kids and our family and that even at a young age our kids are learning a lot from the scriptures.


Anonymous said...

We have just recommitted to do better on our scripture reading. We got a new chart, and also a little reward jar, where every night that we read together a jelly bean goes in teh jar, and when the jar is full, we do something fun. This time we're working toward bowling. Maybe I shouldn't have to "bribe" them to read the scriptures, but for now that's what we'll do.

The Martin Family said...

Good for you guys. It is so hard when all your kids are little. You guys are a great example. Sometimes I underestimate my kids because of their age.

Susan Byers said...

Good job!