I rode on the bus with about 40 juniors and seniors out to Lagoon last Friday. All I had to do was set up a meeting time and place with the 10 students assigned to my group. We met at 1:00 at the merry-go-round for them to turn in their packet. It was physics problems they'd done in connection with some of the rides out there. None of it did I understand. Most of the students did the packet while they were on the bus on the way to Lagoon. Justin's group actually did the problems at each ride - I was shocked by this.
Unfortunately it was NOT the greatest weather. It started out sunny and nice but then a storm blew in and it was raining and trying to snow. Most kids were in shorts and t-shirts and no jackets. I stayed inside during the rain. I was the nerdy parent and actually checked out all the physics experiments and displays. There were kids who made models of rides. One ride looked so cool and scary that I hope I get to ride the real thing someday. There was a long line of jr high kids participating in the egg drop. They had their egg in some kind of protective packaging and then rode the sky ride and tried to drop their egg on the target and have it not break. Most kids missed the target. This whole day is sponsored by Utah State University and their are big prizes at stake. The greatest part of the day for our high school was the physics bowl - a kind of quiz show based on physics questions. Our high school had 2 teams participating with 3 students on each team. Our 2 teams faced each other in the semi-finals and then ended up taking 1st place and 3rd place. The 1st place team each won $19,000 scholarships to USU!! All for spending the day at Lagoon answering physics questions - that is so cool!!
All in all, this was a very cool chaperone assignment and I look forward to doing it again next year when Brooke gets to go.
1 comment:
Totally Fun!!
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