Friday, December 14, 2012

I just have to Brag!

I just have to brag a little, okay A LOT!  About something very sweet that Kamryn did today.
It was the 2nd grade store today (more on that later) and all of Kamryn's class had a great time.  At the very end the kids were able to buy raffle tickets from their teacher for 4 cute plush animal hand puppets and 3 cool hats.  One girl used all of her money (pretend money of course) to buy 40 tickets.  Kamryn bought 13 tickets.  Well the very first number pulled out was one of Kamryn's tickets - her face was beaming and she was so excited to get to pick the very first prize - she chose a cute elephant.  It went thru all the numbers and the kids who's ticket was pulled out were very excited and some kids were sad they didn't get to choose a prize.  The one girl who bought 40 tickets and happened to be one of Kamryn's friends, hadn't any of her numbers pulled - until the very last ticket and it was one of her numbers. But she was still sad because the only thing left was an XMen hat and she really wanted one of those cute puppets.  I quietly mentioned to her mom that Kamryn would probably trade.  So this girl quietly went up to Kamryn and asked her if she would trade.  She hesitated for a minute and then said sure.  It was so nice.  And then she gave the hat to Jared.

1 comment:

Susan Byers said...

That's really sweet!