Sunday, December 16, 2012

More Bragging

to be fair I wanted to brag a little on Jared too.
On Thursday I was at Kohls with Jared, Kamryn and Taylor looking for a gift for my mom.  I was looking for something specific and the kids were kind of just messing around while I was looking for this gift.  Then all of sudden Jared holds up this box and says "is this it mom?"  It was exactly what i'd been looking for :)
Then when we got home I just set the box on the table in the kitchen and it was even in a bag.  Soon after that my dad came over to watch Amazing Race with us and unexpectedly my mom came with him.  I didn't even think about her gift sitting out on the kitchen table but Jared did -right away.  And he ran in the kitchen and put it away in my room.
I have great kids!

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