Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Schedule

We've been having a pretty good summer so far.  Jared and Kamryn having been doing a great job on their summer "job charts."  Every morning they look at their chart and they check off the following:
  • get dressed
  • make bed
  • eat breakfast
  • do homework book
  • read for 30 min at least
And then each day they have extra jobs to help with.  I've told them they can play on the iPad once they are done with all of those things, but they can only play the iPad for as much time as they read first.
We've gotten a lot of ideas from Pinterest to add to our summer schedule and fun.  One idea was this part of the schedule:
  • Make it Monday - some type of craft or project
  • Time to read Tuesday - our weekly library trip
  • What's Cookin Wednesday - make some type of food together
  • Thoughtful Thursday - some type of service
  • Field Trip or Fun Friday - go somewhere, get out of the house
So last week we made and frosted sugar cookies and then delivered them to friends and Primary teachers and neighbors.  We had a lot of fun doing the cookies and the kids couldn't believe we actually made cookies and I let them eat the dough (they kept sneaking more and more too)

Kamryn's favorite cookie that she decorated


Susan Byers said...

cute idea!

Anonymous said...

That is great! I love the weekly theme days!