Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm Sick of ...

I'm so sick of myself! I've been a fat, lazy slob for way too long! Today, that is going to change!

This is my usual cycle - get in shape, get sick of being good, then let everything go to pot. And then I have to get to the point that I hate myself and then start over again.

So, here's to starting over - I hit the treadmill again for the first time since Thanksgiving. I'm going to follow the same schedule I did for my marathon training, only doing the 1/2 marathon schedule this time. I'm not sure that I'll be doing a half marathon this year but at some point I'd like to try it.
I'm also starting e-diets again. It worked for me before (the summer before I got pregnant with the twins) and its one I can put the whole family on so I don't have to fix different things.
I'm putting it out there so I have to be held accountable.


Susan Byers said...

Good for you! Good luck!

The Martin Family said...

I want to join you soon! I am sick of myself too!

Hey, thanks for the ride this morning. :)
I miss talking to adults.

Ashley Harris said...

Good for you! You so have me beat! I need to get working on that myself.