Monday, January 28, 2008

Family Night

We had FHE last night (Brooke has volleyball on Monday nights) and it turned out really great. Paul and I are attending the Marriage and Family Relations class during Sunday school and yesterday the teacher had us write down 3 characteristics about ourself and our spouse. Then she had everyone read out loud what they had written down. It was a great activity and i mentioned to Paul that we should do it for FHE. So we did. We gave everyone plenty of time to think about what they wanted to write. Our instructions for our family doing the activity was for everyone to write at least 3 positive things they liked about each member of our family. Then we all shared what we wrote. I am going to share one persons list each day this week.


Susan Byers said...

That's a great idea. What a confidence builder for everybody!

Janice said...

I need to do this.