Thursday, September 20, 2007

Nice Night

I've had a very nice night.
It started out with going to YW volleyball, which I quite enjoy. One of my friends is the new coach and she's great, perfect for the girls. And the girls are getting better every week. They won their first match in 2 games and just barely lost their 2nd match in 3 games. They are great sports and play to have fun. Luckily Justin was very nice to tend last week and this week so that I don't have to take Jared and Kamryn and I can concentrate on the girls.
Then I got to go to book club. Something I look forward to all month. We had a great discussion tonight about a book written by a woman who grew up in a polygamist family. It was a very interesting read. And of course I love our tradition of everyone going around and sharing something about what is going on with them and then the yummy dessert and chatting afterwards is always enjoyable.

1 comment:

Janice said...

That was quite the heated conversation at times! I agree it was a fun night. And now I can sit here and enjoy my clean house that I had to get ready for Book Club.