I got all the equipment and supplies to make my own bread last summer. When school started I went to my friends to learn how to make bread from her, she's an expert. And then i never did it on my own - too busy getting a missionary ready to go, and then the holidays.
In January I put it on my list of things to do and every week it was still on there.
Finally yesterday a friend of mine asked me what I had planned for the day and I told her I was going to make bread. Did I just say that? Since I said it I figured I'd better really do it.
Here is the end result.
Not too bad for my first time on my own.
It smelled so good that Brooke waited around a few minutes and was a little late to work so she could have some before she left. We all enjoyed a warm slice of bread for a snack and then more for dinner.
PS I got this recipe from my friend Jill. She got it from the Deals to Meals blog.