Thursday, August 14, 2008

Big Fish

One of the Silver Salmon that Paul caught today. He had a great time out fishing today. Much better than yesterday where he was SICK on the boat most of the day. All of the guys put in $25.00 and whoever catches the first fish of the day gets $50 and then the biggest catch of the day gets $50. Paul won for first catch of the day.

Me in Sitka national park. We went there on Tuesday right after getting to Sitka. It was beautiful.

One of the leaves in the park.

There's lots more to tell but it's late. We get to sleep in tomorrow so I'll catch it up in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Kanami sang imo blog. Daw spaghetti.

Stephanie said...

Looks like you are having a great time!!! :)

Anonymous said...
