We've spent this last couple of weeks working on getting Jared out of diapers and into big boy underwear. He was showing signs of being ready and I knew he could do it - I just had to convince him of that. He's pretty stubborn and unless it's his idea it's not going to happen.
So last week I convinced him to try big boy underwear and that went okay for a day. Then he decided he didn't like the underwear in his drawer and went commando for a couple of days - until we bought Thomas the Train underwear. He had a few accidents but nothing we couldn't cope with. We had a little setback over the weekend because Jared got sick and was back in diapers Sat and Sunday.
This week has been much better and I consider him fully potty trained. He even wears underwear to bed and has never had an accident during the night (I'm very lucky that way). This morning I didn't even talk to him about going potty when he first got up. I let him decide to go when he needed to - and he did. He has a huge bladder and can go 8 hours sometimes without needing to visit the bathroom.
I can't believe that phase is over and it was relatively painless.