Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm Thankful

I know it's a few days late but wanted to post what I'm thankful for -
1. Paul - He's a great husband, father and provider.
2. My kids - I should list each one separately and say why but I'll save that for me written journal. Let me just say that I am really enjoying being a mother that day and that is because I have great kids.
3. Extended family - It's great that my kids live near their grandparents and cousins and we see them frequently.
4. My friends - Friends have always been an important part of life to me and they continue to be.
5. Books
6. Movies
7. Food - although it sure would be easier if we could just take a pill for the nourishment we need and then eat for enjoyment occasionally
8. Our family cabin
9. My home
10. Our ward
11. My van
12. The nice long fall weather we've had
13. Young women in our ward
14. Sports - the ones my kids play and the ones we watch
15. Clothes
16. Music
17. The internet
18. Christmas lights
19. Exercise buddy
20. And last but most important (and the list is much longer just keeping it short here)


Anonymous said...

A great list! I should sit down and make one of these. I am home from church with a sick Ryan. No fun. Have a great day and hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Eat only for enjoyment occasionally? Are you kidding? I eat for entertainment, enjoyment, happiness etc EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY IF I COULD--nurishment is a bonus. Food is the purpose of life, everything else is just to fill in between meals.