Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Writing Prompt

I've been subbing in Mrs Larson's English classes all week.  Every day she has a writing prompt for the students' journals.  Today's prompt is "List 10 things you LOVE about winter."  My first thought was "is there anything to love about winter?"  The students are having a good time with this prompt.  Some do LOVE winter and their list is longer than 10.  Some are like me and wondering if there is anything they LOVE about winter.
Here's my list:

10 Things I LOVE about Winter

  1. When it's over!
  2. Christmas
  3. Sweaters
  4. Cuddle time
  5. You don't have to do yard work
  6. A beautiful sunny day with blue skies, after a pretty snowfall
  7. Christmas
  8. Winter break
  9. Soup
  10. Cute coats
  11. New Year's Eve at our family cabin
For really not liking WINTER I at least came up with a decent list.  The students also came up with some good ideas :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Years

Wow, here it is more than half way thru January already.  Can't believe it.  I just looked at my blog and realized I never posted about new years.

Brooke's best friend Annee came over to see us
 We were lucky to have the cabin for New Years Eve this year.  We were able to go up along with my sister's family and my brother's family.  My dad also came up with us and we were so glad to have him up there with us.

After a yummy Mexican themed dinner we played games and had a great time.

Playing the NAME GAME

Cool panoramic photo of all of us playing the game

The Byers boys won the final round

With my sweetheart at midnight

 Grand-dad with the kids at midnight
Welcome 2015!

New Years day was a beautiful sunny day
the kids had a blast out sledding for many hours
(sadly those photos and videos were accidentally deleted)