Monday, June 08, 2009

A little Kamryn story

My sister's family invited us to go to Mountain Mike's for pizza tonight. The place had games and gumball and prize machines so all the kids were asking for quarters. We told them we didn't have any (or at least enough for all the kids to have one). After Kamryn asked me the 2nd time for a quarter, her uncle Dale told her to go ask that man over there for a quarter, never dreaming that she would really do it. To all of our surprise, she went over to the nice man enjoying dinner with his wife and little baby, she asked him for a quarter. We were all dying. She took the quarter, put it in the prize machine (like a gumball machine but full of little prizes) and got the perfect thing for her - a little ring with a pink stone. She was in heaven. I told her to show the man and say thank you and she did. I went over and explained how shy she is and that we couldn't believe she actually did what her uncle suggested. After that she started telling all the kids to go ask the man for a quarter. Luckily he was finished with his dinner and got out of there quick.

1 comment:

superpaige said...

Now you know what motivates her! Cute!