Monday, January 20, 2014

Mission Moms

I feel very lucky to have had a missionary in the day and age of "facebook" and email.  Its sure easier being a mission mom when you get a pretty much guaranteed email from your missionary every week.
It's also been so great being a part of the email mission mom group and also our facebook group for Justin's page.  I have friends whom I've never met but feel like I've known forever.  We also love the senior couples serving in Justin's mission who are on Facebook and keep us informed of transfers and post lots of pictures.
In November there was a plea from the mission for support for some missionaries for Christmas. There were several missionaries that would probably not be getting any Christmas packages.  All you have to do is mention that to a mission mom and we went right to work. There were many parents that wanted to help out.
There were a few of us that all live pretty close to each other that got together to send out these packages.  We met for lunch at Kneaders and had so much fun getting to know each other better and talking about our missionaries.  We then went to Lesley's home and had more fun putting together these packages.  I'd been grateful to not have to send Justin a Christmas package but at the same time missed doing it, so this was a great replacement.

At the beginning of January we got together again just for fun.  We met at Zupas for lunch and talked and talked.  One mom had just been to France to pick up her daughter (on the same transfer as Justin) and so she had a lot of stories and advice to share.  One of the moms was actually recently returned from serving in Justin's mission with her husband.  It was really fun to talk to her. These ladies, and dads too in our group, will be great friends forever.

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