Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kamryn's Book Club

Kamryn and 6 other girls have been doing their book club for over a year now.  They are a great group of girls and it has been such a good experience for all of them (at least it seems like it).  Its fun to listen to them chat and its a little scary how much they have grown up over the last year.  They were talking about Justin Bieber and crushes - they're only in 3rd grade!

Kamryn chose the book "Mr Popper's Penguins"
It turned out to be a really fun read and easy to find fun crafts to do along the penguin theme.

Here they are all making stick figure puppets of characters from the book.  
The craft sticks are so cool - from Hobby Lobby.
(sadly no photos of their finished projects)

this is an example of the edible Penguin they all made
so cute
(and it turned out just like it looked on Pinterest)

Ava with her creation

Phoebe with her penguin

Olivia with hers

Kate with her penguin

And Kamryn with her penguin
and version of Olaf
It was fun to see how creative the girls were and added to their creations.
Kaitlin had to leave early so we didnt get photos of her :(

Jared likes to join in usually - but of course takes the boy approach.

Since there is a movie of Mr Poppers Penguins we invited the girls to stay and watch it.  It was fun to compare the book and movie and see how different they were.


The Martin Family said...

Fun book club! Liv had a blast. Thanks for going to the extra mile.

Anonymous said...

So cute!