Wednesday, February 27, 2013

i LOVE Jared

oh how i LOVE this boy!
It was a little hard to find pictures of just him
most are with his best buddy/sister, Kamryn
I'm so grateful to have my 2nd chance at parenting with my younger set.

Jared has a great sense of fun
Here he is at his 2nd grade store

Jared is also a good sport -
twice a year he spends several hours
at Kamryn's dance recitals
This year was good because his cousins were there to sit by

He's got a great smile
He'll play outside in the snow for hours

showing his school spirit
on crazy hair day

having fun at Silver Lake

Jared's been very proud of the fact that he read
the first 2 Harry Potter books last fall

He did a great job playing soccer in the fall
and was on a great team

Jared is a great brother and good friend.  He seems to be most like his older brother Justin - sensitive and smart with some of Taylor's fun side thrown in.  He is such a good kid and we rarely have to discipline him.
He LOVES to play on the iPad and the Wii.

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