Today is Taylor's "GOLDEN" birthday -
where he turned 13 on the 13th.
The greatest present he got was that there was no school today.

We actually opened presents last night with the grandparents.
Taylor's main present was the soccer backpack we gave him before we went to Florida.

We also got him an alarm clock and
the live action movie of Peter Pan
(both of these were his requests)
Pretty exciting presents for a new teenager!

Tonight our family went to Fat Cats to go bowling to celebrate. Taylor won the 3rd game!
Taylor is a great young man and is really growing up. He's happy most of the time and always has a great smile on that handsome face. The girls are really chasing him. He's doing great in Jr High and in scouts. Its really fun to watch him play soccer. He is a great helper around home and is responsible in his deacon's quorum.
We love you Taylor!